7 Tips On How To Save Money on Air Conditioning Bills


Air conditioning is essential to creating a cool, comfortable climate inside your home. According to the Department of Energy (DOE), however, it’s also one of the biggest sources of consumed energy. Thankfully, you can save money on your home’s air conditioning bill expenses by following these few tips:

#1) Change the Filter

A dirty air filter will restrict airflow through the ducts, forcing your air conditioner to consume additional energy to cool your home. To promote higher efficiency and better performance, change your system’s air filter at least once every 60 days.

#2) Turn Up the Thermostat

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Even if it’s just by a few degrees, turning up your thermostat can save you money on your home’s cooling costs during the summer. If you normally set your thermostat to 68 degrees, for example, try raising it to 72 degrees. The comfort difference is nominal, but it will make a substantial impact on your monthly utility bills.

#3) Program Thermostat Based on Occupancy

Use a programmable thermostat to control when your home is cooled and when it’s not. If neither you nor anyone else is home during the day, it doesn’t make sense to run the air conditioner as this consumes energy without offering any comfort value. You can program your thermostat so that your home is only air-conditioned when it’s occupied.

#4) Clean the Coil

The evaporator coil plays an important role in an air conditioner by absorbing heat from the surrounding air. If it’s clogged or dirty, though, it won’t be able to perform this operation efficiently. You can keep your air conditioner running efficiently by cleaning the evaporator coil on a regular basis. This involves disconnecting the evaporator coil from your home’s power, opening up the coil and scrubbing down the fins with soap or detergent.

#5) Inspect for Thermal Leaks

heat leak

Thermal leaks can cost you hundreds of dollars in lost energy over the course of a year. If your home isn’t completely sealed, cool air will escape through the path of least resistance. You can expect some thermal leakage to occur, but you can minimize it by sealing doors, windows, and other openings.

#6) Check Return Vents


Go throughout your home and inspect your air conditioner’s return vents to ensure they aren’t obstructed. The return vents are designed to suck in air from the rooms in which they are located. The air then goes to the evaporator where the heat is extracted. If a return vent is blocked with furniture, it won’t be able to perform this operation. Make sure all return vents are open and visible.

#7) Turn on the Fan

Finally, consider using a ceiling fan to cool rooms rather than the air conditioner. This won’t technically lower the ambient temperature, but it will create a more comfortable environment inside your home. A ceiling fan will force air over your skin, creating the perception of a cooling environment. And when you feel cooler, you won’t need air conditioning. Contact a professional HVAC technician to discover other money-saving tips.