You have decided to install a home alarm system and quickly realize that the task may be a little onerous than previously thought. Below are some shopping advice to consider when choosing one for your home. Being conscious of them will ensure you get the one you need and you will receive the protection you seek for your house and family.
1. Monitoring
When it comes to alarm systems, there are typically two ways that they are monitored. Before having one installed, you need to determine which one will best meet your needs.
Home alarm systems are either monitored or unmonitored. When it is monitored, the company that installed the system is on standby on a 24-hour basis. In the event of an attempted break-in, the company is notified and can inform you of a potential threat.
Usually if they do not receive a response from you, they then alert the authorities to investigate. With unmonitored systems, it is up to you to alert the authorities or you need to depend on someone within the vicinity hearing the alarm and acting accordingly.
2. Budget
While you cannot put a price on the safety of your home and family, the budget that you have will nonetheless be a determinant in the alarm system that you ultimately choose to have installed.
When looking to have an alarm system installed, it is recommended that you consult with a few companies before making your decision. Be sure that the quotes you receive include installation plus any monitoring fees. You would hate to be surprised with these later on. Be cautious of any companies that provide quotes very different than they others.
Quotes too low may indicate inexperience and the company may not be able to provide the support you need. Ones too high means you will overpay for the same service you could get elsewhere for less
3. Company reputation
When it comes to alarm systems there are many companies available to offer you installation monitoring services. While all will tell you they are the company that will provide the best service to you, some are better than others. Therefore, you need to do your homework before settling on one.
Not everyone has alarm systems installed in their homes, but chances are you probably know at least one person who can provide a recommendation. Ask family members, friends, and coworkers if they have one and if they do, ask who installed it and if they are satisfied with the service.
Also, go online and read reviews written by current and former customers. These tend to be honest and you can use them when making your decision. Also choose a company that has been in business for a significant amount of time as this demonstrates experience and the ability to satisfy customers.
4. Wired vs. wireless
Home alarm systems are available in two installation options: wired and wireless. Both have advantages and disadvantages and it helps to know about them before making your decision.
Wired home alarm systems have sensors attached to wires that run through walls and into a central electrical system and telephone landline. Advantages of these systems include not having to rely on Wi-Fi signals to operate meaning less downtime and are more ideal for larger homes as they are able to handle more sensors. Disadvantages of wired systems include they are more expensive to install and can be easily manipulated by cutting telephone lines on the exterior of the house.
Wireless systems use small transmitters that send signals to a central receiver once activated. Advantages include quick and cheaper installation, easy remote access, and the ability to modify the system if upgrades are needed. The disadvantages are downtime due to signal loss, hacking risks, and distance limitations between receivers and sensors.