If you’ve scrolled through Facebook, swiped on Tinder, or just browsed the web – you’ve likely seen a few different personality tests.
Some people believe in them wholeheartedly, while others don’t even think twice about them. But the truth is, they’re actually quite accurate.
Below are five most popular personality tests in 2018.
1) The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator
The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator is easily the most popular predictive index for personalities.
It’s so popular, in fact, that it’s been used by multiple Fortune 500 companies to help employees improve teamwork and collaboration by better understanding their colleagues.
This indicator uses four components to create an individuals personality type:
• Sensation
• Intuition
• Feeling
• Thinking
A person’s personality type is determined by where they rank on the spectrum for these four factors.
2) DISC Assessment
The DISC Assessment also uses four different factors, but they’re completely different than the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator. The four components of the DISC Assessment are:
• Dominance
• Inducement
• Submission
• Compliance
How a personal rank on these four spectrums determines their personality in the DISC Assessment.
3) The Revised Neo Personality Inventory
This is a revised version of the Neo Personality Theory that was first created by Paul Costa and Robert McCrae.
Unlike the first two personality indicators, this one evaluates someone’s personality by using five categories:
• Extraversion
• Conscientiousness
• Agreeableness
• Neuroticism
• Openness
However, this personality test is known for having a fatal flaw. The flaw is that it assumes all individuals are always honest. But this is untrue. The popular counter-argument is that people are not their true selves in a job interview.
Yet this test still goes in-depth and may be worth investigating.
4) The Enneagram
This predictive index looks different than any other personality test on the list.
It puts forth nine personality types and presents them in a geometric figure.
The figure uses a circle, triangle, and hexagon. The purpose of the figure is to show how the different personality types get along or influence each other. This is a feature the other assessments simply do not have. With the other types, you have to manually research how each type interacts.
5) The Birkman Method
The Birkman Method evaluates one’s personality by seeing how they react to stress.
Then, it uses this data along with one’s strengths and how they act in a social setting.
There are numerous other personality tests that support it, such as the Classical Test Theory.
Closing Thoughts
Personality tests are more popular than ever in 2018.
They’re an extremely useful tool for self-improvement.
By using the tests to understand your personality type, you can not only reinforce your strengths but identify weaknesses that you may not have noticed. This will allow you to prepare for when these weaknesses arise.