To deliver digital services to a global audience you need robust compute resources including memory, CPU, network connectivity, and storage. Whether you choose to go for a local or cloud solution is all up to you. Many organizations have benefited from the convenience and cost-effectiveness of reliable managed cloud service providers. However, it’s not all a bed of roses. Here are some of the disadvantages of cloud computing.
1. Downtimes
Cloud computing systems are prone to outages since they are internet-based. Even providers such as Amazon experience outages so no organization is immune to these interruptions. Below are some of the ways you can minimize downtimes:
- Take advantage of the multi-availability zones your cloud vendor provides.
- Consider a multi-region deployment
- Have a disaster recovery plan
- Use dedicated connectivity to avoid relying on the public internet.
2. Privacy And Security
There’s an inherent risk to storing important files and data remotely with external service providers. It’s fairly easy to procure and access could services. This means that nefarious users have the ability to scan, identify, and exploit any vulnerabilities and loopholes in the system. For example, if you’re hosting your data in a shared cloud server where multiple users are hosted on the same server, then it is possible for a hacker to access your data and that of other users. The best way to deal with this is to stick to the cloud security best practices and ensure your provider’s security policies and procedures are regularly reviewed and checked.
3. Vendor Lock-In
Once you’ve signed up to one could service provider, you’re stuck with them. This is one of the disadvantages of could computing. Moving between cloud providers is an area that has still not been streamlined. Moving your current setup to another provider may bring about support and interoperability issues. For example, Microsoft Development Network applications won’t work well with a Linux platform.
4. Cost
On the surface, cloud computing may appear cheaper than an in-house deployment, but it’s not always the case. While you may not require a large initial outlay for infrastructure and licenses, it’s possible that you might not get all the features you need. Customizing your cloud server solution to meet your need could mean digging deeper into your pocket. To make sure what you’re signing up for is actually worth the money, check out the pricing plans against the features available. Consider the possibility of expansion in the future.
5. Limited Control
You have very little control over the cloud servers since they are owned by the cloud service provider. You’re only allowed to manage and control the applications, services, and data. The backend infrastructure is off limits. Admin tasks such as updates, shell access, and firmware management as usually not accessible to the customer.
6. Customer Support
In the early days of cloud computing, many early adopters complained of poor customer service. Today, most vendors have technical support personnel available round the clock. But you will need to pay a bit more to get prompt service whenever you have an issue. Many providers have tiers of support plans for customers where you pay for the kind of support you need. For example, Google Cloud has a silver support package that costs $150 per month. Under the plan, you get a response on your queries within 4 hours.